


Action Items



Action Items

@Avani Joshi

  • Researched sinusoidal control

  • Did more research on back EMF

  • Update Confluence with research

  • Research on trapezoidal and field oriented control

@Jason Skells

  • Got more info about the most recent comp’s radio system

    • 433MHz link for manual controls,  DJI Lightbridge  (and all video processing was done on the ground), 2.4GHz link for telemetry

  • Heard that Sahil is looking at using OpenHD thus reducing our radio system to only 2 links, manual controls and OpenHD

  • Look at setting up a meeting with Anthony and Frank to extract more info from them

  • Reach out to sahil and find out his progress/help with the OpenHD testing

@Kevin Li

  • Finished PCB layout and ordered 5 boards

  • Benchmark our current sensor stack against PixHawk

@Kiran Surendran

  • Confirmed required specs for flight controller chips (tldr; as long as we can do what the F7 can do anything is fine)

  • Safety MCU WILL be required for the board, as outlined in the competition documents

  • Continue with safety MCU research (dropping ESP32 after discussion with Sahil and Dhruv)

  • Begin deep analysis of flight controller chip? Actual selection?

@Lance Bantoto (Deactivated)



@Muhammad Tanveer

  • Continued research into BMS and looked further into ways to calculate SOC (Coulomb counting, Temp/OCV)

  • Continue looking at more commercial BMS’s and getting a sense of how they operate

  • Begin research on power electronics (MOSFETs)