2024-05-25 Notes

  • Taken during the day live by @Daniel Puratich

  • Task 1 Toronto

    • Fine downwind

    • Bad oscillation on upwind only

      • Got worse as battery went down

        • Smart batt system to detect this?

        • BMS system

    • Crashed at upwind of third lap

    • Decent to alpha, went horz then vert to it

    • Protective shroud around motor

    • Clear sharpie thing on the arms for direction and number

    • Tilted landing gear helps absorb shock

      • All planes without hydraulics do it

      • Little bend makes things easier

      • Evan and Smjle agree, need them to fight in future

  • Guelph

    • Depopulated quad motors

    • Flying fixed wing only

    • Random idea we got from takeoff

      • We shoulda thought of making an rc car put a few props, fly up to alpha then back to ground then drive back and forth for a while, way more power effective and far easier, hack would work for task 2 as well. Waaay better idea than the blimp lmao.

    • No laps, no waypoint alpha but they took off in fixed wing flew and landed correctly

    • No quad props/motors were mounted but presumably they will for task 2

    • All manual flight

  • Sherbrooke

    • Removed wings from vtol

    • Quad only

    • 42 sec hover

    • Didnt get high enough for alpha

    • Went for one lap at low altitude

    • Crashed far away near bravo

    • Unknown cause

  • Project Managers

    • PMs should have same level of ownership as leads?

      • Leads are admin managers

      • Pm are project managers

    • project managers shoulf work accross subteams Mostly

      • Rarely should projects only be within subteams

    • Ask other teams on what they do

    • Efs doesnt have online tasks

    • Autonomy needs integrstion

      • Think tracking ant issue, sims work, but we need reality

  • Alberta

    • Quad

    • Tilted was done for efficiency but they didnt communicate it to airframe team so they didnt tilt the cabin properly

      • 10 dwgree tilt is ideal

    • 1min to alpha

    • Told us it was set to 5 up and 10 over

    • Landed after alpha

    • Fully autonomous

  • UBC

    • Vtol, wings fitted, motors fitted

    • Went up in 40 seconds

    • Looked good on ascent to 100m straight up in quad

    • Then transition went well

    • Then somehow tried to detransition before alpha

    • Lots of instability

    • Small xrash landing at takeoff location

    • Might fly again? I left for lunch

    • They flew again, same issue, getting tossed around by wind

    • Tried to go forward again on a third attempt, no luck

    • Possible voltage sag on batteries when they try to transjtjon.

  • More thoughts

    • Nathan wants vtol if he can convince people

    • Push him to outline the longer program of fixed wing to vtol while maintainning peggy as backbone for competition.

    • We arent short on funding, need to spend deliberately. Tong is on the rest of the MEF we need to blow this term.

  • Carleton

    • Lots of time working on drone in window

    • We heard a little pop 30 mins in

    • Walking out with 10 mins left

    • Prop seems too close to cabin at back

    • Vtol, wings are on

    • Up and down 40 second flight

    • Basic controls check

    • looks good in hover

    • Quick battery swap?

    • Drone roughly 15kg

    • Similar motors we had last year

    • 5 mins remain

    • Straight up

    • 30 sec in transitiom

    • Alpha at 40

      • Roughly 45 seconds is more accurate

    • stopped at alpha, u turn then transitionned again

    • ran out of time, didnt go to bravo

    • team on line has no controller, likely auto

    • Was pre fast when fixed wing

    • Didnt get a lap but made it to alpha

    • landing is pre nice

    • they use wifi, coulda been a rf issue that forced rhem to turn around

    • Comms or time limit forced them tk turn arkund before bravo

    • Takeoff again, seems like their flight time should be over schedule wise but if they got barbies late then this is ok

    • 48 second from alpha to bravo roughly

    • Crashed near bravo

  • ETS

  • Queens

  • Waterloo

    • Di

    • Might fly again? I left for lunch

    • They flew again, same issue, getting tossed around by wind

    • Tried to go forward again on a third attempt, no luck

    • Possible voltage sag on batteries when they try to transjtjon.

  • More thoughts

    • Nathan wants vtol if he can convince people

    • Push him to outline the longer program of fixed wing to vtol while maintainning peggy as backbone for competition.

    • We arent short on funding, need to spend deliberately. Tong is on the rest of the MEF we need to blow this term.

  • Carleton

    • Lots of time working on drone in window

    • We heard a little pop 30 mins in

    • Walking out with 10 mins left

    • Prop seems too close to cabin at back

    • Vtol, wings are on

    • Up and down 40 second flight

    • Basic controls check

    • looks good in hover

    • Quick battery swap?

    • Drone roughly 15kg

    • Similar motors we had last year

    • 5 mins remain

    • Straight up

    • 30 sec in transitiom

    • Alpha at 40

      • Roughly 45 seconds is more accurate

    • stopped at alpha, u turn then transitionned again

    • ran out of time, didnt go to bravo

    • team on line has no controller, likely auto

    • Was pre fast when fixed wing

    • Didnt get a lap but made it to alpha

    • landing is pre nice

    • they use wifi, coulda been a rf issue that forced rhem to turn around

    • Comms or time limit forced them tk turn arkund before bravo

    • Takeoff again, seems like their flight time should be over schedule wise but if they got barbies late then this is ok

    • 48 second from alpha to bravo roughly

    • Crashed near bravo

  • ETS

    • Quad

    • Big motors and props, battery looks small

    • Did compass calibration on ground

    • Took off

    • Hoverred for a while

    • Ascended pretty hard, lots of power

    • Compass variance?

    • ascended to ceiling? Looks like above 400m, judges asking them to descend

    • did a lot of bouncing around, but when simply descending it looks stable

    • large motors disturbing compass when theu change throttle

    • put it down in the grass behind tarmac

    • Judges asked them to land when they were high up

    • Low wind

    • Flight was a few minutes

    • Did not reach waypoint alpha

    • Sat on runway for a while then gave up

  • Queens

    • In air on hover

    • Wings depopulated

    • Vtol style aircraft

    • Mid portion of wing still fitted

    • first flight is a control check, looked good, hovers nicely, landed aftrr a minute or two, did not ascend

    • They mounted an antenna on their pusher prop lol

    • Another takeoff, also controls check

  • Waterloo

    • did u of t get counted for their two laps?

      • If we get a single lap is that full points?

      • Confirmed counted

    • See debrief document, all went well, still need to ask task 2 questions