2024-05-24 Competition Discussion
brief notes during comp as we try to figure out what we wanna do for these tasks to respond to dynamic situations.
Related Notes:
Table of Contents:
In-Meeting Aidan Notes ~6pm
Taken by Aidan Bowers.
Review events of the day
Whole team was present at tents, as expected for tomorrow
Can be no comms between team and flightline, they should be physically separate
Can help before / after the start of the flight window
Today there was a bit of a rush through the checklists, we did them all but it was tight
Some of the checks are now redundant, as we checked them today and the drone will not be changed or move
Plan for task 1 execution
Daniel will load barbies
Daniel & Yuchen will take the drone to the runway
Yuchen will monitor for support, and phone Nathan
Daniel will plug in the drone, start lte, and upon confirmation press the safety switch to start the drone
Nathan will monitor GCS
If we break things, we might want smile on the flight line
We aren’t expecting to crash, but we should be ready to repair if needed.
We wont swap the flightline team now
If there is any issue with being unable to fly all 3 laps, we can RTL to come home early
Hardy & Tong will make the flightline box easily available
Will run the simulation for the entire flight
Plan for task 2 execution
We should keep trying the flights to maximize our potential score - there is a lot of point deductions for errors, and it’s hard to know if we have not made errors until
Antenna location:
One person will hold the antenna and point it in the direction of the aircraft, and will hold the dvr to make sure the antenna is pointed the right way
When people are split the should be on a call
We will try C
Confirm with judges that we got all the points we wanted
Flight Path:
Questions for organizers
Can we recover the drone to try task 2 again without flying back - if we wreck could we fix and try again
Can the flightline team change between tasks
Where does the flightline start/end, and where can we have equipment
There exists a report template
We just need to add text
The strategy/flight plan is in this document
Evening Notes ~10pm
Taken By Daniel
We got permission to park trailer overnight at competition.
Still holding roles in 2024-05-17 Competition Attendees Sync mostly.
Daniel and Yuchen primarily responsible for handling the drone when on the ground.
Hardy (or Smile if swap permissible for Task 1) and Tong share a monitor and manage VTX tower
Daniel and Yuchen share a monitor
Nathan on the drone always, Yuchen to help with GSO after takeoff.
CONOPs change via email at 9pm tonight informs us we have up to 45mins of flight time for task 1.
Some brief discussions looks like targeting two flights with two sets of batteries to use the full 45mins to ideally get up to six laps.
This will be reviewed with Nathan and rest of team in the morning.
Emma to lead to report effort.
Smile to lead printing out battery tools on 3d printer.
Smile, Hardy, & Tong to take lead on packing flight test box in morning for task 1
Daniel to ask questions to organizers in morning
Yuchen to ensure both sets of batteries ready for task 1 tomorrow
Nathan to simulate the new task 1 path to ensure encircling waypoint alpha is correct,
Smile Nathaniel Evan to ensure brand new set of props is installed on PEgasus.
Questions for organizers
Can we recover the drone to try task 2 again without flying back?
if we wreck on our first attempt, can we fix and try again or are we done for?
Can the flight-line team change between tasks?
Where does the flight-line start/end, and where can we have equipment?
Can we put vtx on area near hanger or away from flight-line a bit.
Does switching batteries in task 1 cause us to lose our autonomy points?