2024-07-02 Airside autolanding integration
Problem: GPS is non precise (i.e. the error is random in distance and direction).
Potential solution: Use Ardupilot precise landing
Input: Angular offset from drone z axis
Ardupilot has internal localization and control tracking
Control points z axis towards landing point
Drone telemetry already supplied internally.
Only camera FOV and mounting position and orientation information required by Autonomy to calculate angles
Existing autolanding script exists, how to integrate?
Left: Current airside system
Centre: Potential separate autlanding system
Right: Potential integrated system
Decision (pun not intended): Integrate non GPS localization into existing airside system.
Add mux/switch to decision worker:
Controls data flow through branch A (search) or branch B (land)
Also controls which queue decision worker will accept data
What if more than 1 landing pad in image?
What if detect target has issues (e.g. false positives and negatives)?
What if lose landing pad completely?
Potentially require tracking the angular locations of landing pads