2024-06-05 Autonomy Meeting


Jun 5, 2024


  • @Tong Zhang

  • @Andrew Shum

  • @Yue Yang

  • @Aaron Wang

  • @Sargun Singh Bhatti

  • @Ashish Agrahari

  • @Herman Gahra

  • @Iris Mo

  • @Balaji Leninrajan

  • @Ivy Ye

  • @Dylan Finlay


 Discussion topics








@Aaron Wang

  • @Chloe Yip QR listener

    • No updates for this week, incoming updates next week

  • @Momin Chaudhry @Pranav Bommireddipalli research 2023 task 2 solutions

    • Momin requested for task to be reassigned

    • Will speak with Pranav whether more help is required

  • @Aaron Wang research previous comp pathing reqs

  • @Iris Mo Implement 2023 task 1

    • Module started, ran into some roadblock, to be addressed this meeting

  • @Jane Zeng Run MAVLink from csv/text

    • Met with @Mihir Gupta to clarify requirements

  • @Julia Zhu create config.yaml

    • Merge over by @Aaron Wang


@Dylan Finlay

  • @Nuzhat Rudba cluster estimation

    • Reassigned if no response by next week

  • @Neel Patel command output

    • Merged by @Dylan Finlay

  • @Ernest Wang test geolocation - finished set up, gonna test on laptop first, and then test on $200 cv cam

    • No progress

  • @Nathan Martin search pattern

    • Almost there, just style before approval

  • @Karthigan Uthayan profile full vs half precision

    • No updates yet

  • @Victor Terme constructor setting verification

    • In review


@Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya

  • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya check dataset

    • No updates

  • @Yue Yang @Junzhang Luo research methods of assessing model quality

    • @Yue Yang No updates

    • @Junzhang Luo request access to files, cc @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya

  • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya deployment on pi and camera

  • @Simon Park train model 1


@Maxwell Lou

  • @Isabelle Huang encode image to JPEG

    • @Maxwell Lou Reassigned and PR merged

  • @Jonathan Yuan transmit data over sockets

    • Will be reassigned after final little changes are pushed. (last week)

    • Will check in again

  • @Ashish Agrahari create communication protocol between GCS and drone

    • Finished task, to talk with Maxwell


@Balaji Leninrajan

  • @Sargun Singh Bhatti test serial connection

  • @Sargun Singh Bhatti widget to control drone mode

    • PR up but still a lot of work to do (major changes)

  • @Tochi Okoro Create listener to receive logging data from airside systems

    • In progress

  • @Ivy Ye Create a widget to to control drone mode

    • In progress

  • @Herman Gahra Functions to add and queue waypoints

    • In progress, PR soon

  • @Balaji Leninrajan Move widgets in main to their own files.

    • PR up waiting for review

  • @Balaji Leninrajan Documentation of Dart Mavlink library

    • Partially done, will split into multiple tasks

  • @Balaji Leninrajan Create widget terminal to execute scripts

    • In progress. May take a while to get a PR since there are some truly baffling bugs.

Obstacle Avoidance

@Andrew Shum

  • Completed flight interface to get drone’s odometry data

    • @Tong Zhang to review

  • Creating detection module to combine LiDAR scans with real-time odometry data

 Action items


  1. If no response after being pinged by PM after 1 week reassign the task
  2. PMs: if members are not making progress schedule work session