2024-05-22 Autonomy Meeting


May 22, 2024


  • @Tong Zhang

  • @Amy Hu

  • @Ashish Agrahari

  • @Balaji Leninrajan

  • @Chloe Yip

  • @Dylan Finlay

  • @Ernest Wang

  • @Iris Mo

  • @Karthigan Uthayan

  • @Maxwell Lou

  • @Pranav Bommireddipalli

  • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya

  • @R D

  • @Yue Yang

  • @Momin Chaudhry

  • @Sargun Singh Bhatti

  • @Krish Patel


 Discussion topics








@Aaron Wang

  • New tasks are out, will be assigned - @Aaron Wang

  • @Iris Mo reroute task around diversion

  • @Eshaan Mehta make module specific constants a parameter

  • @Julia Zhu create config.yaml


@Dylan Finlay

  • @Nuzhat Rudba cluster estimation

    • No updates

  • @Neel Patel command output

    • GitHub is weird, @Dylan Finlay will take over if taking too long to fix

  • @Ernest Wang test geolocation

    • No updates

  • @Nathan Martin search pattern

    • PR is up

  • @Karthigan Uthayan profile full vs half precision

    • Will talk after meeting

  • @Victor Terme constructor setting verification

    • Just need to do linters

  • @Sanjay Seenivasan graceful handling of errors

    • No updates


@Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya

  • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya Check dataset and complete data recombination

  • (Need to assign) Decide on how to assess the quality of the model(research different methods)

    • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya to create tasks and assign in asana today

    • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya to ping @Aniket Srinivasan Ashok and ask about research

  • (Probably as a group) Train model 1 (In-person people we should meet and troubleshoot together so we can train models individually later)

    • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya to create lettucemeet, fill out by Sunday

  • @Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya Get access to the Pi + Camera for testing the model

  • @Simon Park is interested in training/evaluating

  • @Yue Yang is interested in research

  • @Junzhang Luo is interested in research


@Maxwell Lou

  • @Isabelle Huang Encode to JPEG

    • Almost done

  • @Jonathan Yuan Transmit data over sockets

  • Needs to be tested @Maxwell Lou to make testing task in asana


@Balaji Leninrajan

  • No updates on current tasks

  • To assign tasks after meeting

Obstacle Avoidance

@Andrew Shum

  • Obstacle avoidance with LiDAR data

  • Created visualizer with LiDAR data

  • Working on interfacing with dronekit to get data from drone and send commands

 Action items

@Amy Hu @Tong Zhang Yoink all the info from other teams at comp
Make sure to ask UBC about Wi-Fi at comp
ask UBC about ground station
ask UBC, UofT, McGill about SUAS
ask about object detection, do they run YOLOv8? how?
how do teams collect data, fabricating data with photoshop?
what kind of compute? jetson vs pi?
