Group 2 Design Proposal
electric motor
VTOL combined with wings to help in fast flight
combined wings and rotors
form factor
modular (skeleton with removable battery box, electronics box, cabin, etc)
passengers carrying
one cabin with 6 people
one with more (?)
autonmous path finding
maybe not autonomous landing?
What should it look like?
Form Factor
Combined VTOL or Wings (quad or tri copters)
Common mating for different sections of the aircraft for modularity (wings come off) (different sensors)
We are split on realism (Ideally realistic)
Doors big enough for hands (or passengers slide out for easy access)
1 or 2 drones
1 but with Reduancy (Cameras (?), whole aircrafts, modularity)
How do we control drone?
electronics (4 props)
Lithium, (solar panels for fun)
Landing Succesfully
Landing suspension
Good cameras (not black and white) and sensing
Stable Props and Base
Consistency (Autonomy or pilot practice)
High Speed
VTOL with wings
Light weight
Minimize Weight
Material Selection
Composites (Light weight while maintaining enough strength)
Foot Print
Landing gear has to have some room for error (maybe 6in all the way around)
Wings could be larger
3D print harness
Doors on the side
Load quickly (to not cut into time)
IMU, GPS, Camera (360 view?)
Tracking antenna (?)
Basically this but maybe 4 props
Trinity F90+ - Fixed-Wing VTOL UAV
Note props fold in for fixed wing flight