6S Servo Module End User Guide
6S Servo Module End User Guide
Intended for use on Fixed Wing 2025, steps down 6S battery input to ~6V to supply servos, includes an indicator neopixel, 2 LDOs, CAN, and a current limiter.
In the case that a servo stop working and begins over-consuming current, the current limiter will cut supply to that servo.
XT30 connector for 6S battery input
JST GH 4-pin connectors for CAN in/out
JST GH 6-pin connector for debugging
4x3pin angled servo header
Operating Voltage:
Max 28V
Max Current
Buck outputs max 5A
each servo can draw a max of 1A before current limiter cuts supply
Mounting Holes
61mm x 30.5mm M3 Mounting pattern to comply with Mounting Hole & Pattern Specifications
Project Files