Advisor Meeting 5/15/21

Advisor Meeting 5/15/21

  • U of T did a VTOL once

  • XFLR 5 is also good for analysis - would be good to switch to instead of MachUp and we can ask Jeremy to look at our simulations

  • NACA 2415 is chill, don’t have to optimize too much

  • Consider mostly angle of incidence and chamber - more chamber = more lift but also more drag

  • Wing design considerations: wash in and wash out (affect stall and stability)

  • Look at taper for 3D design

  • Flaps are not too bad more mechanical but would be harder for controls - probably don’t need them

  • CNC’ing foam wings would be good

    • Could do monacoat and balsa wood but that’s probably not worth it

  • Off the shelf spreadsheets for airfoil sizing (what wing area we need, cruising speed, payload, what battery we’ll need)

  • Design Procedure: start with weight budget, from there get lift needed, then use to find aerodynamics and propulsion then electronics and stuff from there

  • Testing autopilot - start with software simulations then go to c++ code and embedded


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