2023-02-21 ICARUS Sync
Meeting Scope
Development of new Frosted Flakes airframe after crash
Discussion of changes to elevator after fixed wing instability
Flight Test planning and requests
Tasks that need to be done leading up to that
Finances and purchasing more motors/ESCs
Hold off until we have updated finances
Flight Test Scope
Next Cornflakes redesign
Frosted Flakes redesign test
Validate new elevator design and fixed-wing behaviour
Look into range testing possibly
Mech team might want to spend more time on Icarus rather than spend all time on Frosted Flakes
Gives more time for EFS and CV to work on systems
Ensure that the drone and system is a lot more robust
Will require a decent number of onsite people
Parallelize electrical and mech work (e.g. soldering, frame manufacturing)
Likely that we will be running
Action Item
Subteam | Tasks | Deadlines and Updates | Owner |
Mechanical |
Electrical |
Systems Integration |
| |
Flight Test Co-ordinator |
Flight Test Timeline / Dates (Ideal)
March 11th
Frosted Flakes redesign test
Validate new elevator design and fixed-wing behaviour
Look into range testing possibly
March 18th
Backup for March 11th test
Work on more test criteria to get data for EFS and CV, get idea of more capabilities of Ardupilot
Autonomous flight with waypoints
Landing on a landing pad
Possibly try running FPV
Autoland, more sensors
Evaluate flight-time and range
March 25th
Reasonably possible, depending on previous two weeks