2023-04-18 Icarus Sync
Points if importance:
Apr 22nd ground tests
setup in 2004 or 1401 w/ ratchet straps. nathan to bring.
test program in asana.
short hover test if possible . goal is to break thinsg that will break now rather than later.
anni to come up with proper test criteria thurs
will connect with graeme.
Apr 29th flight test
steve to be present.
Flight test to be briefed next tuesday. Request to be created then.
wiring to be completed wed-thur (19/20)
aidan to do significant soldering wed. Anni to do significant wiring wed / thur eve.
All soldered items to be checked by daniel, ethan, anni, aidan, nathan.
tested individually before being placed on drone.
Mech to come in and solve problems fri - sat (21/22)
Needs wiring ot be completed. Mech refuses to use asana.
Sensors to be tested and configured in software thur / fri
Groundstation to continue @ pace it does.