2023-02-14 ICARUS Sync
Meeting Scope
Determine scope for flight test this weekend
Discuss tasks breakdown to take Frosted Flakes to an airworthy state, including task breakdown, owner, and deadlines
Includes the current state of systems and what needs to be done
Determine the scope of Frosted Flakes as a project, and look into where we want this project to go (just an Icarus stand-in, possible comp drone, etc.)
Icarus updates
Frame validation flight test dates
Flight Test Scope
Flight test to be held on February 19th, 2023
Continuation of previous tests to test Frosted Flakes frame and transition to fixed-wing
Validate behaviour on 12S architecture
Action Item
Subteam | Tasks | Deadlines and Updates | Owner |
Mechanical |
Deadline for the above tasks: Thursday, February 16th |
Electrical |
Absolute deadline for the above tasks: Thursday, February 16th |
Systems Integration | Perform end-to-end test with RC Link and Ardupilot with motor, servo tests
Flight Test Co-ordinator |
Frosted Flakes Project Scope
Act as a stand-in testing frame for Icarus?
Test any new technology/component to be tested on Frosted Flakes
Training aircraft for pilots' stick time
Insulate from failures/crashes on Icarus
Where do we see this project going as we bringup Icarus?
Feasibility of a second version of Frosted Flakes, developed over 1-2 months to lessen the load but have a backup in order to save 3 weeks in case the frame crashes beyond repair?
Don’t have the personnel for Frosted Flakes
Need to focus on Icarus
Focus on incremental improvements to Frosted Flakes to make it more emulative of Icarus
Frame Validation Dates
February 19th - Frosted Flakes
Thrust, transition, landing
Icarus first flight either March 11th or March 18th weekend
CS #1 - On Frosted Flakes,