2024-03-19 Operations Meeting


Mar 19, 2024


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • @Wingchee W

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Megan Spee

  • @Conall Kingshott


Subdivision Updates

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Aspect Drone Solutions - done

    • Working on getting a sponsor onboard to help with ground school stuff

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Competition logistics - in progress

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Phase 2 Proposal Presentation - in progress

  • @Wingchee W Need to train someone to take over as Finance PM for S24

Note from Wingchee: Might wanna consider if we want to promote them to PM immediately. I can teach them the Finance WARG-specific stuff I learned throughout time

  • @Wingchee W notices that Sarah gives final procurement costs that exclude taxes and shipping, hence we put down the wrong final costs on our internal ledger → wrongly assume how much money we have left in the accounts

    update : no response but got message across

  • Will update AEAC Competition Budget if any new purchases or prospective purchases come up

  • MEF reimbursement : emailed Sarah about MEF reimbursement . We give Amy reimbursement from our team funds , then wait for MEF to reimburse us once at the end of the year.

  • EngSoc’s delayed reimbursement: Alison received funds but we have to keep reminding EngSoc


  • @Wingchee W W24 Sponsorship Proposals - done

    • WEEF: done

      • Funding decisions posted!

    • EngSoc: done

      • Next step: fill out questions Hilus sent via email. Due Mon, March 25. Can discuss via Discord thread and email back answers.

    • MEF : done

      • Next step: Waiting for funding decision

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Giving Tuesday Proposal - done

    • Got full funding!

  • @Wingchee W Updated team sponsor list - in progress

    • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund remove Terrapure from website

  • @Wingchee W Sending update emails to existing sponsors - planned

  • @Emma Chan Media plan - in progress

    • Making a reel for Instagram (flight test highlights in progress)

      • Trying to gen-zify our Instagram? E.g using popular audios for Instagram reels

      • participate in harmless trends?

    • Longer form content up next!

      • Will write a script/general outline for a promotional video (finished will share)

      • Should record videos of people working in the bay, meetings, etc.

    • Post for March open house? Get other teams to repost it

      • Very good idea!

  • @Taim Al-Dabbagh Recruitment Posters - done

    • Printed!

    • Going to order some double sided tape to put it up in the bay

  • March Open House - in progress

    • Saturday, March 23rd from 10 AM to 4 PM

    • Attendees: Wingchee, Georgia, Neel

  • @Ryan Chan Running Team Socials - in progress

    • Paintball

    • Laser tag

    • Climbing

Action Items

Asana Tasks