2024-01-23 Operations Meeting


Jan 23, 2024


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • @Wingchee W

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Melanie Ng

  • @Prentice Hui

  • @Emma Chan

  • @Ryan Chan

  • @Megan Spee


Subdivision Updates

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund New team roster system - Done

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund New Ops bootcamp - done

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Phase 1 Paper - done

    • Submitted to the competition yesterday!

  • @Wingchee W WEEF: Sometimes forgot to count past procurements and reimbursements and calculates total remaining balance wrong.

➡️Fixed Ground Statement Equipment account’s remaining balance

  • Resolved this morning by Sarah

➡️ 2 of Mena’s (procurement) purchases aren’t counted into the EE PCB Components - W22 acc

  • @Wingchee W Which sponsorship proposals need to be completed this term?

    • WEEF: Waiting for Wishlist items to be added to the confluence

    • EngSoc (likely) : Asked what’s happening this semester via email, no reply yet. Who else can I ask?

    • MEF (likely) : Asked what’s happening this semester via email, no reply yet. Who else can I ask?

  • WEEF deadlines:

    • March 3rd for WEEF Proposal Submission

  • @Wingchee W Made a spreadsheet with sub-team wish list items for the term

    • Due by Friday, February 2nd


  • Might be a good idea to discuss if Ops wants anything this semester. WEEF likes non-perishable things. I recall that WEEF doesn’t give $ for software licenses like Photoshop

  • @Wingchee W Sending update emails to existing sponsors - planned

  • @Melanie Ng & @Prentice Hui Sponsorship Tier Package - In Progress

    • Live: and

    • Looking amazing!

  • @Prentice Hui will be leading some sponsorship updates once the package is completed

    • Take a look at this

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Website updates - in progress

    • New leads added:

    • Aiming to update the “Projects” page by the end of the term

    • Maybe add a gallery page for flight test photos

  • @Emma Chan Still available to run socials?

    • Promotion for the intro events last week looked great?

    • How’s the composites post coming along?

  • @Taim Al-Dabbagh Recruitment Posters - in progress

    • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund working on a new revision

  • @Ryan Chan Running Team Socials

Action Items

Asana Tasks
