2025-02-10 Competition Architecture Sync
@Evan Janakievski
@Derek Tang
@Tochi Okoro
@Manasva Katyal
@Yuchen Lin
@Roni Kant
@Emma Chan
@Maxwell Lou
@Alison Thompson
@Daniel Puratich
@Balaji Leninrajan
@Evan Zhao
@Herman Gahra
@Meghan Dang
@Nathan Green
@Smile Khatri
@Vibhinn Gautam
@Victoria Gee
Task 1
Autonomy status updates?
IR Camera testing
figured out most parameters done outside
ground tests done last week and tuned (should be good to flight test this week)
MAVLink communications
Will be ground tested this week
should not need to be flight tested
EFS tuning airframe
30 second hover flight
Began with pre-existing tune for the frame from ardupilot
look into existing tune from holybro @Manasva Katyal
manually adjusted PID values as flight was unstable and ground effect
Also tuned ground-specific parameters
now flying stable while in stabilize mode and alt hold
next steps tuning
crash while in loiter mode
throttle got stuck and frame refused to go down
disarmed the drone 1 m off ground and plastic brackets broke, but 3d printed new replacement parts and up and running again
Task 2
Mech changes pretty much done in CAD - will start manufacturing this week hopefully
Need to order pump + tubing
We have a funding account for batteries with ~$500 that expires in ~50 days
EE is starting to do research for making custom battery packs
Will be a fun R&D project even if it isnt immediately comp critical
@Sam Zhang leading research for now.
Thoughts from other subteams on how to get the most out of this?
Thoughts from other subteams on if you think we should move forward with it?
No EE worksesh updates, had to cancel some. Discuss what other subteams want us to prioritize for bringup first (make some of this is more in scope for eclipse)
6S power
LED board
focus on LED board first priority. then SSD, until water board rev 2 comes in which is above SSD
Anymore questions to email AEAC for? Was question “autonomous points for getting into position” answered?
New conops revision released
One team asked about gimble and having pilot point the gimble for autonomy points of identification
we believe manual piloting is ok
get clarification on this to see if we need to push new autonomy tasks
Flight Test Planning
@Manasva Katyal planning autonomy + efs tuning flight test for this Saturday
For more details see 2025-2-15 Autonomy & EFS Flight Test
@Yuchen Lin will be running GSO training at this FT as well to start addressing GSO shortages
Pilot program is also in the works for post midterms to address pilot shortages