2025-1-20 Operations Meeting
Emma Chan
Victoria Gee
Georgia Westerlund
Jan 20, 2025
@Emma Chan
@Victoria Gee
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski
Fill out this interest form if you want a chance to go to this year’s competition: https://forms.microsoft.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=h1o6cprzIkqSRz_CQMATlohH8WBFXHtOjCR7Pcx0oF1UQzFXMFFCSU4xNk5LUTc4RVZMNkRYOEZSTS4u
Welcome Shamanthi, newest Operations member!
Subdivision Updates
@Emma Chan Continual bootcamp reviews
Reach out to ?new members
@Ryan Chan New sponsor poster board - in progress
@Georgia Westerlund to review/submit sample layouts to designer
Buy a piece of poster board → print with wprint (more specifics)
WPrint call setup
@Ryan Chan Updated Peggy Sponsor Stickers - in progress
New layout is pending review
@Georgia Westerlund @Emma Chan Look into new stickers for battery shrouds (new layout)
Potential free stickers by WPrint?
@Ryan Chan Banner/Flag - planned
need to find a (cheap) supplier - quote that we found was $300
finalize design
Maybe ask if they can sponsor us?
@Victoria Gee Clean up old files, system, etc. PLANNED
will document before changing anything
This is a really great idea! Onedrive definitely needs a cleanup
@Victoria Gee @Ryan Scomazzon To attend Wednesday SDC meeting.
Taking notes and voicing WARG’s future plans
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Double-entry research - In progress
Quickbooks could work (up to 25 people)
GunCash software to look into
Set on github, looks like it can meet our needs
@Emma Chan For review
@Emma Chan
Look into automated financial software options
Update W25 proposal slides
Look into total overall ledger
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Stanford Fleming Travel Grant - IN PROGRESS
Proposal due at the end of W25 term
Answer various questions/application for travel expenses grant
Done within the next week
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski W25 Wishlist items list should be started asap
@Emma Chan Pinged into wishlist, WILL PUSH AT LEADS
@Georgia Westerlund will push this at leads meeting tomorrow
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski EngSoc funding proposals due on Feb 24
@Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski WEEF funding proposals due ___
@Victoria Gee Start on sponsorship list
Requires support for identifying sponsors
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PQx3fCTxHuK1xkjsPFZWv5XmCZ5A08YZ16sEX0FvYkc/edit?gid=0#gid=0 everything in Asana currently, need to sort @Georgia Westerlund @Daniel Puratich
@Shamanthi To look into more monetary sponsors!
@Emma Chan To update current sponsor list
@Emma Chan
Look into sponsorship events
To schedule WPrint call for sponsorship (ideally for new sponsor board and stickers)!
Shamanthi to join
@Emma Chan Media plan - in progress
Continual biweekly instagram posts/stories
Longer form content up next! - in progress
Storyboard 50% complete
Start filming b-roll, new members, etc.
@Emma Chan Book some time in a flight test for teaching how to use the camera
@Victoria Gee to attend as well
@Emma Chan Info session w25 complete, SDC open house complete
March Open House, will gauge interest before committing.