2023-03-21 ICARUS Sync

Meeting Scope

  • Track state of new Cornflakes airframe post previous flight test

  • Identify deliverables and owners for each subteam for flight test next weekend

  • Look into long-term flight test planning (general flow of what we would like to ideally test)

Other Concerns

  • Battery returns and new battery purchases in time?

    • Return label created,


  • Will competition frame be ready for testing on April 8th?

  • Procuring new VTX infrastructure

    • Video Transmitter giving a lot of issues - only takes specific input voltages, damaged very easily

    • Have placed order for video transmitters coming in, more robust and harder to break

    • Have one VTX for each frame

    • Use 5.8 GHz with high quality antennas in case both 1.3 GHz are blown

  • Cutoff for when we can’t run competition frame at competition

    • Only need one test to validate the frame, cool to take risk from PIC perspective (Anthony)

    • Very little odds that we’ll use this frame again in next comp cycle - more likely to damage electronics on Cornflakes than Icarus

    • Only use Cornflakes if Icarus is crashed extremely badly before comp (can’t be fixed)

    • Fly it at least once before comp

Flight Test Outlook





April 2nd

  • Continuation of March 18th flight test:

    • Fixed Wing Validation

    • Continue rest of the tests

  • “RTL” - set to QRTL (Return in Quad Mode only)

    • We tested this on Houston and it worked last flight test

  • “CS1” Data collection

    • How much energy required to land/take-off, fly a certain distance, etc.

    • Get a much better idea on aircraft characterization as a whole

  • Houston:

    • Get Houston ready

    • VTX with 5.8 GHz (unless 1.3 GHz transmitters is received)

    • Houston will carry second battery

    • FPV Validation with VTX

    • Run VTX Range test (with car, with drone, etc.)

  • auto-land precision

    • How close to target can Ardupilot land given the waypoint, whether CV will be required

  • fixed wing flight battery drain

    • Estimating based on the health of the current battery to extrapolate to new/healthier batteries

  • guided flight mode

    • Try different fixed-wing modes to determine what is more/less relevant

    • Test series of waypoint-following by drone

April 8th

  • Icarus Frame first flight (reach goal)

  • If not, then CS2 with “Cornflakes”

April 16th

Hold for: Icarus CS2

April 22nd

Continue tasks from CS2

April 29th

1 week before comp - full systems check

April 2nd


Tasks (replace these w/asana links when you can)



Tasks (replace these w/asana links when you can)


Mechanical (Frame)

Fix Tail Section:

Fix Cabin on Cornflakes:

Lengthen landing gear (switch to 16” prop, add more landing gear clearance):

Add velcro for better fastening of lid:


@Alison Thompson


Attach new servo: https://app.asana.com/0/1203349931374647/1204140734762158

  • Identify if new servos need to be purchased if no old ones exist

@Nolan Haines


End-to-end functionality test: https://app.asana.com/0/1203349931374647/1204140737238144 : @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)

  • RC Link with antenna

  • Control surfaces work (all servos)

  • Motors run the right direction

  • GPS, IMU works

  • Calibration of compass, accelerometer

Handle purchasing of batteries: @Nathan Green

  • Get new Tournigy batteries to be used in comp that are better than current ones

Prepare Houston for Flight: @Ethan Abraham

  • Verify all motor directions, RC Link, etc.

  • Fix pitch directions, etc.

  • Mount + wire VTX

  • Add second battery for VTX

@Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)

@Hamza Ali








  • ensure vehicles, submit FTR, verify bookings.

  • Submit flight test plan

  • Vehicle logistics

  • Ensure checklists are being followed

  • Fill flight box

@Hardy Yu

April 2nd


Tasks (replace these w/asana links when you can)



Tasks (replace these w/asana links when you can)



ICARUS frame Ready

@Conall Kingshott


Icarus Wired

@Nolan Haines


Video Receive Tower Ready

  • Details in arch doc @Yuchen Lin

@Aidan Bowers (Deactivated) @Hamza Ali



  • ensure vehicles, submit FTR, verify bookings.

  • Submit flight test plan

  • Vehicle logistics

  • Ensure checklists are being followed

  • Fill flight box

@Hardy Yu







Competition Frame (Icarus Aircraft)


Tasks (replace these w/asana links when you can)



Tasks (replace these w/asana links when you can)



Update re latest date for readiness:

  • Best estimate of readiness: 3rd April - doublecheck with Conall

@Conall Kingshott

@Megan Spee



@Nolan Haines

@Michael Botros