
Gordon (Bootcamp Revamp)

  • Firmware validated for new board

  • Electrical will be making a PCB for it

  • Gordon will be making a PR and will talk to Elias to figure out how we can review code

  • Transition to new bootcamp once the documentation is done and code is merged

Aadi (Comms)

  • STM32 can send data via XBees (TX only and junk data)

    • Next steps

      • working on getting it to receive data via DMA

      • Write code to decipher messages

      • Integrate mavlink

  • Got dev environment working on the laptop

Nixon (SD Card)

  • Error still persists

  • Driver is mostly done (implemented the middleware)

    • Will get tested sometime this week or during in person workday on November 15th (done over call)

Dhruv (Attitude Manager Revamp)

  • Did work on attitude manager restructure

    • Almost rewrote one of the new states for the architecture

    • Continue working on this with Tony for the next two weeks

Tony (Attitude Manager Revamp)

  • Made changes so SF can run on safety

  • Will work on decision module afterwards

Anni (Controls)

  • Started preliminary validation (Aiden in charge of this)

  • Quick discussion with Tony about datatypes

  • In terms of simulation, Anni is working to get Simulink to run

Aiden (Controls)

  • Working with Dhruv to get motors spinning on test prop later this week

Neha (Safety IMU)

  • Base driver code is written for the 9265

    • IMU is not responding

  • Currently not in Waterloo.

  • Will work to reverse engineering the Arduino driver on Saturday

  • Work with 6050 to try and get it running


  • Set up meeting with Elias to discuss PathMan revamp

    • Also mentioned hover mode for waypoint manager

  • Interested in VectorNav task

  • Discuss with Elias on Saturday at 1300

Yash (CV UART Task)

  • Set up meeting with Elias to discuss CV UART task

  • Discuss with Elias on Saturday at 1130


  • Talk to Shrinjay about how Firmware can help with ground station