2023-02-08 ICARUS Timelines Meeting

Current State of Icarus Manufacturing

  • Fuselage - all flat panels except for two are cut, remaining two are to be waterjet

  • Frame to add the components to has been build

  • Fuselage skin made

  • Mold for avionics compartment is complete

  • Foam nosecone complete

What Needs to be done re Manufacturing

  • Needs to be shaped

  • Wet layout for mold needs to be done

  • Proper mold to be completed by Sunday

  • Need to make nosecone

  • Avionics compartment to be made w fibreglass

  • Fuselage assembly

Changes to Manufacturing Scope

  • Bottlenecks:

    • Manpower

  • Push forward with actual frame

  • Rest of carbon fiber components can’t be fitted until landing gear components are made/finalized (Blocker)

New Timelines for Manufacturing

  • Landing Gear

    • Handled by Alison, EOD Saturday (Feb 11th)

    • Need to 3D print more connectors for landing gear

  • Full Fuselage:

    • Blocked by landing gear (Feb 11th)

  • Avionics Compartment Lid

    • Sunday, February 12th

  • Nose Cone (March 5th)

    • Mold finalized by Sunday Feb 12th

    • Nosecone manufacturing - one week, Feb 19th

    • Can use foam until more comfortable with frame

  • Frame (Feb 12th)

All major components made by February 12th

  • Assembly (Sunday February 19th)

    • Need access to aeroskin component lab to cut it (Friday Feb 15th)

Icarus Harnessing

  • Harnessing work can begin on February 19th (functional frame completion)

    • Forward facing camera dependent on nosecone, might be a bit later

  • Wiring Diagram Requirements

    • No hard blockers

    • Detailed wiring diagram complete by 19th February

    • Ideal competition layout is decided on

  • Look towards flying Icarus by end of February