2023-11-01 Leads Meeting
- Daniel Puratich
@Daniel Puratich
@Conall Kingshott
@Amy Hu
@Georgia Westerlund
@Nathan Green
@Anthony Luo
@Neha Srivastava
@Mena Azab (Deactivated)
@Megan Spee
@Mihir Gupta
@Michael Botros
@Christopher Chung
@Ayoung Eun
@R D (Deactivated)
@Georgia Westerlund
Jackets have arrived
Currently figuring out the payment method
could be taken out of team funds,
could all etransfer one person then someone etransfers to team funds
pay out of team funds, have people pay cash
Seeing what Sarah suggests
@Georgia Westerlund
EngSoc request sent last week
still waiting for response from them
deans funding is done
submitted MEF presentations
prez on Tuesday
WEEF sponsorship proposal due at the end of this month
@Daniel Puratich @Georgia Westerlund
Waiting to see if we can get a Power BI Pro license
@Megan Spee @Daniel Puratich @Anthony Luo @Georgia Westerlund
Timeline and expectations from leads/directors regarding contribution?
We will be scheduling a grind session for this when we’re available, want to get as many people in on it as possible.
A lot of it we aren’t sure on details so it’s complicated, if you have design decision stuffs can be dropped as unformatted comments for rough ideas, Anni can troll on most of it but as real as it can get. business proposally and no so technical
Nov 6th draft goal but we may miss that, real due date is in gcal, finish before exams