2023-11-02 EE Meeting

General Team Status/Schedule:

  • Meeting times:

    • EE Meeting: Thursdays 9 PM EST E5 1006

    • Leads Meeting: Wednesday 9 PM EST E5 1006

    • Team Competition Aircraft Sync: Tuesday 9 PM

  • Attendance:


In person


In person

  • @Hardy Yu

  • @Jerry Tian

  • @Mostafa Hussein

  • Omar (Bootcamper)

  • @Rayyan Mahmood

  • @Michael Botros

  • @Farris Matar

  • Ryan (Bootcamper)

  • @Nolan Haines

  • @Mena Azab

Quick Links:

Updates this week!


Active PCB Projects

High Current Power Module (Taim, Steven)

12S ESC (Ethan, Chris)

  • Firmware generation and ioc stuff probably isn’t getting done until after midterms

  • Board may or may not be completed for end of term. Need to sync with Chris

    • FOC firmware is complex and requires alot of time to ensure that everything is correct.

    • @Ethan Abraham @Christopher Chung

6S ESC (Mena, Rayyan, Mostafa)

  • Rayyan: Currently sourcing Power FETs for ESC

  • Mena: Handed off to Mostafa. 10/28/2023 6S ESC Hand off - Meetings - WARG (atlassian.net)

  • Mostafa: Went through buck convertor component calculations, got stuck at output capacitor. Sourced some of the components that weren’t yet sourced (for output capacitor I picked a tantalum cap for now similar to the one recommended by the datasheet).

  • @Farris Matar to discuss control loop stability implications of output capacitor choice!

  • Will update Asana with goals/timelines.

LED Controller (Neel, Parker)

ELRS Gemini (Michael, Farris)

  • Boards cleaned up & ready for use now

  • Project is now in EFS hands, Farris still on campus for rest of semester & can provide support

  • Good work Farris and Michael!

Drone Battery PCB (Farris)

  • Still need to take some measurements & draft a rough outline to determine price & power capabilities, will probably be some delay on this though as I’m bogged down by schoolwork

PDB (Tom)

  • Continuing with trying to figure out a method to maximize the use of ADC resolution with variable voltage input.

  • Last midterm finished yesterday, will have more time to get back on top of it.

    • Would like to finish before end of term.

    • Finish schematic design in next two weeks.

Tracking Antenna (Nolan, Hardy, Michael)

  • 25-5V buck schematic done

  • Schematic still throws some errors but I think they're easy to fix

  • After review onto layout I suppose?

  • Michael will continue to work on power analysis.

  • Will redo some of the connecters and ports

12S Servo Module (Jerry)

  • Jerry: Started routing, tasks are broken down on asana

Drone Wiring

  • Flight test this weekend.

Capacitor Analysis for Drone (Side Quest):


Will be assigned later. ^

Buck Converter Session Led By Farris:

Tuesday @ 5pm in the bay in the GCal.