2023-10-05 EE Meeting

General Team Status/Schedule:

  • Meeting times:

    • EE Meeting: Thursdays 9 PM EST E5 1006

    • Leads Meeting: Wednesday 9 PM EST E5 1006

    • Team Competition Aircraft Sync: Tuesday 9 PM

  • Attendance:



  • @Ethan Abraham

  • @Jerry Tian

  • @Taim Al-Dabbagh

  • @Mostafa Hussein

  • @Nolan Haines

  • @Parker Lawrence-Valeriani

  • @Mena Azab

  • @Michael Botros

  • @Hardy Yu

Quick Links:

Updates this week!


Active PCB Projects

High Current Power Module (Taim, Steven)

12S ESC (Ethan, Chris)

  • Firmware generation and ioc stuff probably isn’t getting done until after midterms

  • Board may or may not be completed for end of term. Need to sync with Chris

    • FOC firmware is complex and requires alot of time to ensure that everything is correct.

6S ESC (Mena, Rayyan)

  • Rayyan: No updates; busy with midterms

  • Mena not behaving.

LED Controller (Neel, Parker)

  • Neel: Could not make it to this meeting but here are my updates

  • Neel: Me and Parker will be meeting sometime on Saturday to discuss design decisions and get a block diagram of some sort prepared for new design.

  • Neel: As discussed in the prior SYNC meeting this board will now be independent of pixhawk inputs and the LEDS will always be one

  • Neel: Some research needs to be done in how to achieve strobing for one of the LEDs (555 timer was suggested)

  • Neel: Research needs to be done on what type of reflectors can be used for LEDs

  • Neel: Ideally basic design will be figured out by this weekend and components will be chosen by next weekend

  • EE leads will be invited for next meeting

ELRS Gemini (Michael, Farris)

  • FM: Got an email saying PCBs just arrived today

  • Assembly work session?

Drone Battery PCB (Farris)

PDB (Tom)

  • @Tom Chiu Please update status?

    • From last week: Chose PMOS for RPP, was down with a sore throat fever for 4 days, but will get back on component selection for peripherals.

Tracking Antenna (Nolan, Hardy, Michael)

  • 25-5V buck schematic done

    • RPP still needs to be implemented. Schematic needs to be reviewed.

    • Possible delay due to midterms

    • @Michael Botros @Daniel Puratich Can you review?

  • Schematic still throws some errors but I think they're easy to fix

  • After review onto layout I suppose?

  • Michael will continue to work on power analysis.

12S Servo Module (Jerry)

  • Jerry: Finished 2nd version of component placement. I will discuss the layout in details with Daniel in person on Saturday.

  • Board should be ready to order next Sunday if Daniel approves layout.

Drone Wiring

  • Spin up completed and strap-down test this weekend (unconfirmed)