

GUI meeting


  1. Discuss user requirements as well as technical requirements that must be satisfied → assign ownership to each requirement

  2. Document every piece of data (create a table) and discuss what should go on which page (this would probably be under technical requirements)

  3. Come up with a list of tasks



  • Do we want the map displayed constantly similar to this example Figure 4: Ground station GUI used to receive system updates from the...

  • How many waypoint input fields do we want?

  • Should Yaw, Pitch, and Roll be displayed on a graph or just as numbers on the GUI → simple

  • Number of pages (would pilots rather view many things on one page, or less of them on multiple)

  • Do we want video (FPV) on IMACS

  • Kill switch flashing signal



List of components ( from Integrated Monitoring and Command Station Requirements (IMACS) ):

  • GPS position, GPS altimeter, GPS speed, battery level Must

  • attitude, yaw, pitch, roll Must

  • motor outputs Must

  • teleoperation of WARG aircraft via RC link Must

  • kill switch Must

  • bidirectional data telemetry Must

  • video transmission (I suppose it should display either in the IMACS program or a seperate window) Must

  • selection, transmission and display of waypoints (hard hard task) Maybe

  • disable Auto pilot (switch between Teleop and Autopilot) Maybe


For PM (@Amy Hu )

  • Assign subtasks on Asana along with a description of the task sometime after the meeting



  • Rough estimation for a GUI design draft? (drawing for proof of concept or demo, probably good to have a meeting in with SysInt by then to collect feedbacks)



environment setup: ability to add on any machine, having a requirements.txt for now for easy managing and minimum efforts. Might move to Docker later depend on needs.

3 pages

yaw, pitch, roll have an object rotating around the central point.


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