


Jun 23, 2022

General Updates:

 Discussion topics



To Do

Date to be completed



To Do

Date to be completed

Data Telemetry System


Document what to do Xbees Python, taking in serial data from FW. UML diagram/float chart.



Video Transmission System

Video Transmission system

@Jinghao Lei any updates for this?




PM @Amy Hu


  • Create a wireframe for a proposed GUI layout

  • Add subtasks to asana

  • (for mika and ray) create a new IMACS repo for GUI and data telemetry


ML Infra

PM @Aydan Jiwani (Deactivated)




3D Vision Research


FUTURE: create a page comparing various research for 3D vision mapping. Once that has been completed we can talk about trying out different methodologies testing them

  • continue research


Autonomous Control based CV


  • create a confluence folder for this project under projects, come up with a set of requirements for autonomous control that must be satisfied in order for it to work with our current CV system

  • Continue research

  • Create a flowchart of where this would be implemented in our current pipeline (include inputs and outputs) (this can maybe be for the week after)




  • create a confluence folder for this project under projects, come up with a set of requirements for the simulator that must be satisfied in order for it to work

  • continue research and documenting research on confluence


 Action items


  • Test Flight

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