


Sep 28, 2022


  • Presentation by Jomills on 3D vision Approaches

  • Set design priorities for the 2022 CV system

 Discussion topics





Presentation on 3D vision approaches

Type of LiDAR used?

Benchmark comparison?

(thank you Jomills)

Overview of CV related CONOPS stuff

Ground Station (oops I forgot to talk abt this)


Use Confluence!


 Action items


  • clean channels (Mika and Aydan)

  • Preliminary Brainstorming for assigned project

    • for people on data-telemetry: read over pre existing documentation on confluence (CV → Projects → Data-telemetry), also look a little bit into XBees-python

    • for people on GUI: familiarize yourselves with PyQT5 (refer to Asana task if you can access asana), also take a look on WARG Ground Station Design for figma that you will be implementing

    • for everyone else, these are new projects so there is no existing documentation, but go ahead and start researching so we can develop a system architecture at the next meeting!

  • Create confluence page under CV->Projects-> {insert project name} (NOT GUI OR DATA TELEMETRY)

Project Selection:

Data telemetry: terry, ekanshh, matthew

gui: harini, amy, ethan, alex, mihir, christopher, harry, raghav

Landing pad: andrew, kelly, samson, jomills, ervin *

path planning: christina, mohammed, deepam, dhruv, aaron, prabhav

Auto landing ( contest implementation): darren, elly, michael, pumpkineater69, sharan

Auto landing (r&d) karan, aaron, siddhant, evan, karthigan, katherine *

Airside system: @R D (Deactivated) *

*indicates there is space to join task still

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