

Jul 21, 2022

General Updates:

 Discussion topics



To Do

Date to be completed



To Do

Date to be completed

Data Telemetry System

  • New branch

Continue with callbacks/current work



Video Transmission System

@Jinghao Lei any updates for this?

Business as usual





PM @Amy Hu

Wireframing has 1 page left- blocked by data response

Learning more about pyqt5


  • continue wire framing

Deadline July 15th

ML Infra

PM @Aydan Jiwani (Deactivated)

  • Continuing asana subtasks

  • some members busy with finals


  • refer to asana

August 3rd

3D Vision Research

  • Finished presentation

Present next term


Autonomous Control based CV

Business as usual, product requirements up on confluence

  • create a confluence folder for this project under projects, come up with a set of requirements for autonomous control that must be satisfied in order for it to work with our current CV system

  • Continue research

  • Create a flowchart of where this would be implemented in our current pipeline (include inputs and outputs) (this can maybe be for the week after)



  • business as usual

  • working on airsim demo

  • create a confluence folder for this project under projects, come up with a set of requirements for the simulator that must be satisfied in order for it to work

  • continue research and documenting research on confluence

2-3 weeks

 Action items


  • Jetson module (needs onsite testing/setup ASAP) @R D or anyone else available

  • Carrier board works with jetson

  • Need someone onsite next term