2020-05-09 Meeting notes
May 9, 2020
@Lucy Gong (Deactivated)
@Annie LePage
@Anthony Berbari (Deactivated)
Elton Tang, Craig Crundwell
Serge Babayan
Plan upcoming S2020 Term
Discussion topics
Serge abstracted HW interfaces and Anthony set up a Google Unit Testing Framework
Could use the term to test and figure out flight algorithms beyond the HW level - then figure out how to marry SW and HW once we get the bay again in the fall
Will need thorough safety testing
Make use of PicPilot Codebase
Write up design documents/documentation
Focus on UAV autopilot, then transfer to UGV as it is optional
Controls on UAV should be generic enough
Make inventory of what’s left in bay (in the works)
Talk to David to see how to move forward regarding status as a team - need faculty support
Fixed-wing vs drone? Will depend on competition rules/reqs
Action items