2020-06-07 Meeting notes


Jun 7, 2020


  • @Anthony Berbari (Deactivated)

  • @Annie LePage

  • @Lucy Gong (Deactivated)


  • Anything new from David ?

  • Module interfaces status/issue discussion

  • How’s module implementation going ?

  • Implementing state machine (includes learning enough freertos to figure out how to exchange data, while still keeping the state machine independently testable).

  • Setting milestones/long term goals

  • Screwing around with matlab ?

Discussion topics





Admin news/News from David

  • TDB next week

Module interface status

  • SensorFusion and OutMixing/SendtoActuators interface done

  • PID Interface exists in Zeropilot, can already be ported over from PICPilot :)))

    • PID.h file to be changed from .h to .hpp

    • Option - add time as a const int?

Module implementation update

  • Need to build up unit testing around it as well

  • Output Mixing guts are already done

  • Anthony: SendtoActuators name is a LIE: Autopilot can’t talk to actuators - can only talk to Safety.

    • Conversions from % to PWM to be done on Autopilot, then Safety should be able to convert from PWM to PPM

    • To be renamed - will serve as a wrapper to Interchip_A

  • CMake should find the new AttitudeManager folder

  • SensorFusion: To look thru existing SensorFusion algorithms online (Madgwick, Kalman, etc.)

Attitude Manager State machine implementation

  • State machine must know how to talk to a higher-level state machine that is running on a different thread

  • Must also be modular enough to be able to run w/o that other state machine

Long Term Goals?

  • AttitudeManager + Unit and Integration Test should be done by June 28th

    • REQ: Module guts, State Machine Implementation, Testing infrastructure

  • FUTURE: PathManager, Telemetry


  • Use Matlab’s Simulink for simulations - MATLAB can be used to complete AttitudeManager loop, acting as simulated hardware

  • Since Matlab can generate C code, with the right set-up it can be used to integrate

  • Anthony to try this week!

Action items

Annie: State machine implementation
Lucy: Sensor Fusion implementation
Lucy: Get CMake to find AttitudeManager folder
Anthony: MATLAB simulation
