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| Aryan  Ryan
| Data from flight test has been labelled! Training and testing model to be done this upcoming week Part ordered for Lightbridge to arrive tmr (FTDI Module) Working on multiprocessing template, should be done tonight/tomorrow Geolocation is almost ready - ETA 2 weeks
Embedded | Anthony | Nixon got simulation running nicely! Will spend next week to get end to end system working. Tentative demo data: next Thurs Path manager almost done, needs some cleaning up Breakout boards: Gordon is the only one that can actually flash/debug board so XBee stuff is coming along nicely Plan: Anthony to send his board over to see what’s going on Laye (in Calgary) will also check if he can program his board - if he can’t, to send to Sahil who programmed all the boards previously
Bassel and Addesh from CV will start developing the deskstop app!
Mech | Â | |
Electrical | Lucy | |
Admin | Lucy Sahil | USC Teleconference tomorrow, send questions in #general! Leads to meet this Saturday to discuss co-ops tings