2023-03-20 Meeting Minutes - ZP Sync #2

2023-03-20 Meeting Minutes - ZP Sync #2



This is the second ZeroPilot sync meeting in preparing for competition in early May 2023. The goal of this meeting is to set the minimum viable product from a controls and data perspective as well as the possible tiers of progression that are realistic before this upcoming competition.

The previous sync covered all active competition efforts and is documented ->2023-03-14 Meeting Minutes - ZeroPilot Sync



  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Dhruv Upadhyay

  • @Sahil Kale

  • @Anthony Luo

  • @Christopher Chung

  • @Ethan Abraham

  • @Farris Matar

  • @Neha Srivastava

  • @Stanley Tang

  • @Anthony Bertnyk

  • @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)

  • @Aaditya Chaudhary

  • @Ayoung Eun

  • @Liang Li

  • @Mihir Gupta

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Megan Spee

  • @R D (Deactivated)



  • Minimum viable product assuming no autonomy points (Just aircraft flying)

    • Required subsystems, testing, and integration plan

  • If we wanted some autonomy points, how do we get them

    • The rules read through was on Monday so hopefully we have some idea here

    • list out subsystems and testing plan to correspond



  • Minimum Viable Product for competition 2023

  • Minimum Step for flying ZeroPilot

    • Only advantage of doing this is we get more auxillary functions

      • fancy lighting control

      • fancy beepers

    • PPM passthrough would need to be tested and validated before ZeroPilot can be flown

      • Three or four flight tests are needed so this cannot happen

        • We have not flown ICARUS yet as well

      • Test PPM passthrough

        • Flight modes, decoding, & re-encoding logic

      • Test Mav-link

      • Houston Test

      • Fixed Wing Plane

      • Guided Modes

      • Cornflakes Test

      • Mav-link & PPM can both override each other so that can be used for testing one at a time

        • Mission planner and RC controller always has full control when using ZP passthrough

      • Next it to check telemetry and ground to mav-link and back

        • IMACs needs to be able to send and receive for this functionality to work

          • CV has no way to read codes and don’t have integration to path finding processes

            • There’s no guarantee we’d get the autonomy points because IMACS needs the integration

    • Doing this option opens us up to autonomous points (without autonomy having to rewrite drivers)

    • ZeroPilot will not be flown at competition 2023 for the above reasons

      • We will use mission planner

        • IMACs cannot send relative motion commands because mav-link does not support it. They might be able to send precise GPS coordinates, but of course this requires testing.

      • Jetson will consequently not be flown as well at competition 2023

      • ZP & Jetson goal is to fly at competition 2024 in the system planned as before

  • Autonomy integration to mission planner

    • This could be done to salvage our ability to get some autonomy points

    • This will be saved for IMACs sync for more details

    • IMACs sync will discuss landing pad detection

      • Jetson & ZP was planning on having a closed loop control system, Ardupilot is now the flight controller we plan on flying, we just lost the controls part of the controls system by dropping ZP, the only thing left autonomy can do is perception which can be done on the ground station using the incoming video feed from the pilot camera

      • Landing pad detection model still needs to be trained and code to run inference needs to be written. It is unlikely this will be ready

    • It may be worth saving the risk of crashing with the Jetson especially since a lot of this is untested

      • The system will have a lot of inaccuracies and is unlikely to be running at comp.

    • We will need to write new drivers as well to make this happen from a autonomy/cv perspective

    • Instead of taking time now to salvage autonomy points we keep autonomy on the current ZP architecture on the understanding it won’t fly at this comp 23, but next comp 24 we can make it happen.

    • Autonomy IMACs integration with mission planner will not be pursued for the above reasons

      • This leaves only other stuff CV is doing to be QR code scanning, path optimization, & other stuff which will be discussed in IMACs sync

        • mission planner can take in a list of waypoints, more details for IMACs sync

  • Possibly run dual telemetry for Ardupilot

    • Would mean IMACs team have two different outputs

    • We send one telem to ardupilot

    • Using dragonlink or LTE instead of RFDs, would be seperate from mission planner

    • this gives fancier light controls, easier to write waypoint path planning software integration

    • This will not be done because it offers negligible value for competition

  • Possibly run landing pad detection on pilot camera

    • If we can split the video we could possibly run landing pad detection on pilot camera

    • Landing pad detection could be done on ground station computer

    • This does not take away effort from people working on landing pad detection right now

    • “Pad selection = 10 pts”

    • If this doesnt take time away from CV people (we need the code eventually) so this doesnt change too much

    • We would need to screen record the laptop and then include that in report sent to the judges

    • Laptop may have processing power limitations, do we bring the desktop to competition ?

    • This is a stretch goal primarily for autonomy that will be pursued due to possibility for more points at competition and doesn’t take away from longer term autonomy goals

  • Possibly Decorating the aircraft

    • @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated) to discuss at ICARUS sync due to mechanical nature

  • Possibly LTE Telemetry

    • Would be a redundant telemetry system over cellular and not just radio

    • This allows us to RTL in case we lose RC link

    • Nathan & Anni have discussed this for a while (unsure on status in architecture doc)

    • We have Raspberry Pis in the bay to test with, Nathan will bring a cellular module for someone to debug with this weekend

    • To be discussed at general sync (or worst case ICARUS sync) as Anni would like to discuss with the entire comp travel team








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