2022-10-20 Leads Meet

2022-10-20 Leads Meet


Oct 20, 2022


  • @Jinghao Lei

  • @Dhruv Upadhyay



 Discussion topics







Architecture meeting

Scheduled to be Sometime during First week of Nov ?

physical space, agenda needed

@Anthony Luo rough draft and we can work on the details later.

New Conops

updates in #architecture and updates


Competition Drone building

Need to get start working on this asap

timeline discussion during this weekend.

timeline last year was Jan of the comp year, but we need to push it so that it finishes before 2023.

more about it during the architecture meeting



Given to Richa, Jenny is working on it. Getting updates next week.

Order out and get some sample by the end of the term.

Skydio info session

Oct 26th 4pm

Join and know more about the industry, doesn’t necessary need to apply to them

Promote this to team members

Social end of Oct


Games night, nerf guns, or board games, figure out food and drink.

Nov 5th?


book an classroom if date is finalized.

Funding application

MEF sent engsoc sent

WEEF and Dean is ongoing


 Action items

