Introducing new leads!
Meeting times for Google Calendar
General meetings 8:30-9:15
Leads meeting when?
Alternate team lead for W21
@Shrinjay Mukherjee will be WARG’s team lead effective W21
@Sahil Kale will aim to be competition pilot
Truck Training
All team leads to DM and forward names of people with 'G' licences by next Thursday
Dhruv Rawat
Basic Licence Drone Training
@Sahil Kale To run this!
F21 Goals & Timeline
Rotorcraft - it’s clear this will work
Lance mentioned he is against a gimbal, Shrinjay mentioned more cameras will give wider FOV
Grabber mechanism - mech will think on this
Tuesday will be a Rules Reading Meeting
New bay proposal with @Sahil Kale and @Shrinjay Mukherjee
@Sahil Kale to get @Brielle Chenier and @Dhruv Rawat Truck Training