2023-02-08 Leads Meet

2023-02-08 Leads Meet


Feb 8, 2023


  • @Jinghao Lei

  • @Dhruv Upadhyay

  • and everyone else


 Discussion topics







Exec Nomination

another shout out for lead nomination, due Sunday

if subteam lead is stepping down, one has to make a nomination for subteam lead

Exec directors better codify and clarify new Exec choosing process as well as Subteam lead nomination process

Send out interest form re Exec Director to Team Leads

Leadership Role Clarification

Org Structure

Exec Director

Tech Director

Subteam Lead

keeping Tech Director for the whole team keep it case by case basis. Doesn’t need to be filled.

adding the role of Tech Advisor

Add description for Executive Director and Subteam Leads

SysInt Team Structure Idea

Subteam leads nominate 1-2 people from each subteam and form sysint team

Addresses concerns regarding SysInt recruiting, have people already interested in system architecture

More or a PM responsibility

more discussion needed

Discuss with @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)

Timeline revaluation

2023-02-08 ICARUS Timelines Meeting

Icarus frame will be completed by February 19th



review Team stand down

how do we change it so that people don’t feel not committing enough during exam season.

Hard to do from project management standpoint where many team members won’t be able to go to meetings, making it harder to move certain projects forward

putting the responsibility to subteam leads

announcement for slow productivity


Ground antenna project lead

belongs to IMACS lead

usually a project is driving by a subteam

having is report to IMACS

update after Sysint structure updated


think about whether your subteam needs a coop for next Spring

soft deadline: after midterm

Subteam leads discuss among themselves

General Meeting Slides



Battery Disposal

Need to address what to do regarding the faulty batteries in the bay

Need to take better care of our batteries

After flight test, determine if a battery is go/no-go, and then dispose of any faulty batteries



Get a small battery box to hold faulty batteries @Ayoung Eun

WARG X Orbital Social

Updates regarding the social

No updates, need to send announcements soon


Competition Merch

Form deadline is on February 10th for a comp merch

@Hamza Ali do an @Everyone for merch

 Action items

ignore: Team Lead Nomination Form W23 for now.

leads: fill out interest form for becoming team executive

directors: schedule meeting to rescope sysint (with Aidan) execs: decides on process for voting on sysint lead if a sysint lead will be selected for next term

execs: next meeting some sort of voting or discussion on who will fill exec roles next term


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