Business 1:1

Business 1:1

What do you plan to work on next term

  • Social Media: Increase engagement rate with more sponsorship posts. We still don’t have enough reactions from other people to get picked up by the algorithm. Sponsorships are ideal to have companies repost content on their social media. We have a lot of content from original creators.

    • Encourage sponsors to repost and have original creators repost content they recorded.

    • Story highlights rn: Q&A and News. New story boards: Virtual Events coming up, Videos/IGTV Reels.

      • Videos can be personalized content. Events can be takeovers, live events such as Q&As

    • Increase engagement by engaging with other content from our account.

      • Have someone go in and engage on content for our target audience by liking and commenting. We know this is working when we have the explore page showing content about what we do (drones etc.).

      • Making it easier to get access.

    • Create more content: We can introduce our subteams and Q&As that introduces new people to our team and what we do to help w/ recruiting.

      • Technical Content: Needs to come from teams.

      • Personalized Content: Content that introduces people to our team and makes us seem more human.

        • Social Media needs a list of people who are willing to participate in marketing content like this.

  • Sponsorship (To-Do List):

    • Sponsorship tracking system → Spreadsheets should be setup so we can identify sponsors at a glance

    • Templates → Complete email and message templates so we can get sponsors faster.

    • Process to find sponsors → Try and setup a process to find sponsors and reach out to them.

  • Finance (To-Do List):

    • General Financial Ledger → Just need people to maintain, so make sure that people are processing requests and keeping this updates

    • Financial Model for moving → Mostly coordinated by team lead.

  • Recruiting:

    • From Jenny’s experience: It was difficult to know about this team from outside Engineering.

      • Solutions: Try and find a club fair or other events to participate in. Collaborate with other teams for cross posting by reaching out to dm. Create some post content for recruiting.

    • Students are also intimidated sometimes because they don’t feel they can contribute.

      • Solutions: Increase promotion and have more people be aware of our team.