Computer Vision 1:1

Computer Vision 1:1

What does the plan look like for the new year

  • Object detection model - First training set (top view multi-person), Mika has the results, she ran it on the test data, it was pretty good. Still need to examine how good the model is. Continue training the model with more datasets and expand our test datasets. We also need to see how it behaves real-time during flight tests.

    • Next steps: Collecting new test data, try and get one from our training drone while flying at comp altitude. Stanford drone is almost ready, just need to validate bounding boxes, then we can train with the additional data. No new training data required.

  • Object tracking - Have a model selected but no training or deployment done

    • Next steps: Wrap up object detection with new test data and new training data, and then try and port it over to the object tracking and observe performance.

  • Geolocation - Still need a test module complete for this one, after that the completion time is pretty open ended because we don’t know what’s wrong with it.

    • Next steps: Finish the test module and actually run our tests.

    • This is blocking mapping system development.

  • Ground Station - Before break we had some momentum on the new features, but there’s still a lot of work to be done. Specifically, we still need a video player and a way to display results of QR scan. HIGH HIGH HIGH priority, aim to get this done by the end of February.

    • Next Steps: Push video player and display results of QR scan HARD. Vivek has started on the former so we’ll let him finish it without additional interference, Justin is still working on refactoring so we can have someone else pick up

  • Communication w/ STM32: Interface is written, not fully tested, Shrinjay started on some of the logic for actually using the interface but still incomplete.

    • Next steps: Test interface, write and test logic

  • Communication w/ Ground: Interface is written, not fully tested, logic not started.

    • Next steps: Write logic (JIGO/JOGI modules), test logic and interface

  • Video Transmission to Ground: Still need to setup OBS

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